The United States of America

What Is America To Donald Trump?

Donald Trump told us, in his two 2020 4th of July speeches. The first at Mount Rushmore in South Dakota. The second in DC, from the Truman balcony of the White House.

For Trump, America is obviously Not about Americans. We’re just radicals, marxists, anarchists, the agitators and looters. The people who are to be dominated and defeated.

He divides America into regions of land or people.

To the South, it’s a border, where a wall must be built to keep out all the undesirables. Filled with the uneducated and easily manipulated, who love him more than Jesus.

To the North, people who deserve to be insulted, demeaned, ridiculed and dominated. Filled with elitists who are conniving, manipulative and wholly dishonest.

To the East and West, water front property to be monetize. Filled with leftists who want to regulate businesses out of existence and establish socialist regimes.

And in the middle, just a bunch of land to be mined, cleared, exploited, sold and developed. Filled with independent farmers who can’t properly commercialize their land to feed the world.

The entire country is just a place where He, his rich friends and corporations can abuse to make their personal fortunes. With no regard for the consequences.

The entire country, certainly isn’t a place to be protected, preserved or cherished.

That’s what America is to Donald Trump. That’s why Trump is and always will be a #FailedPresident, who is the greatest danger to our Nation. 😡

#VoteBlue2020 💗🇺🇸

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Things Change

Letters To Myself📪 Letters To Myself ~

The more things change, the more they stay the same. An old saying that many people believe to be true and accurate. Including me.

My spiritual teacher keeps telling me, all things change. It’s the only real constant in the universe. But if we refuse to learn our lessons, to change and grow, those things that do change in our lives, will always seem the same.

How can we make the change in our life that we need to? How can we become the change that needs to be? That we need to see? Her response “you need to learn how to look with better eyes”.

The more we look at the world with the same chip on our shoulder, the less we see that’s moving around us. We get stuck in a rut and that will make it harder for us to see above the ditch we have dug. The clouds will always hover over head and all things will always seem to be dark. Continue reading

“I care”

Letters To Myself📪 Letters To Myself ~

I’ve been thinking a lot this morning about the phrase “I care” and what exactly does that mean. In general conversation, it seems to indicate an interest in something, perhaps even a concern for the outcome of a situation. “I care, about gun control” for instance.

The problem with the use of “I care” is when it’s followed by “but” which often seems to negate the concept of concern all together. “I care, but your solution to gun control impacts my right to bear arms”. That often sounds to me like someone cares more about their guns than they do about the innocent children being slaughtered while they’re in school. But that’s not what I want to talk about today.

I’m more interested in the use of the phrase “I care” when it’s related to familiars, such as your family and friends. I’ve decided this morning that “I care” means something different to women than it does to men. Continue reading

2015 In Review

The stats helpers prepared a 2015 annual report for my little blog.

Here’s an excerpt of what they calculated and discovered:

The busiest day of the year was October 11th with 135 views. The most popular post that day was Tea & Coffee & Chocolate Pots.

Click here to see the complete report.

© 2016 Victoria’s Rose ~ All Rights Reserved.

Tea & Coffee – Homemade Coffee Creamer

irishcreameMaking Your Own Creamer ~

I’ve mentioned before I’m a diabetic. Finding a flavored creamer that is diabetic friendly isn’t easy. And when you do, you still have to be careful what the makers version of “sugar” might be.

Are they sweetened with Splenda? Which can still raise sugar levels in diabetics? Or could they be sweetened with something like Stevia, which is a little more diabetic friendly?(Stevia in the Raw is my sweetener of choice).

It’s a hard and laborious process to find the right product. Then I thought, hey, what about homemade where I can sweeten with my own sweetener?! And thus a new search ensued.

I found a lot of versions of homemade creamer and all have their own tweaks and variations. It’s not at all hard. And nearly all start with a base of condensed sweetened milk. That sweetened part is a problem again for diabetics. But the base is flavored from there. So everything begins with the base, how about going the other way to find the flavor and add what you require on the back-end.
Continue reading

2014 in review

The stats helpers prepared a 2014 annual report for my little blog.

Here’s an excerpt of what they calculated and discovered:

A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 7,100 times in 2014. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 6 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

It’s Been A While

Letters To Myself📪 Letters To Myself ~

It’s been several months since I’ve done anything on my blog. Some of that is time, but most of it is from a lack of energy and desire. Depression is an annoying thing. And when you don’t have health insurance to see someone about it, it can be debilitating.

Thankfully I was able to take a free seminar at the county community center and I learned some things about the program. Last time I tried to get insurance through their site, I was told I qualify for the expanded Medicaid program. But I don’t really because we’re in a state that refuses to expand that program. Fricken Republican Bastards; and Bitches.

Thus people like me are meant to suffer and die to decrease the surplus population and make it easier for the greedy. Whatever. Another case of trying to do everything right and getting screwed over by the System. What are we supposed to do? Well….there’s an option. Continue reading

PoorMan Pantry – Homemade Chili

Poor Man Chili w/ Cheese

Poor Man Chili w/ Cheese

🎂 Rummaging The Cupboards

I didn’t grow up in a rich family. We got by and we were certainly better off than some. We were the definition of middle class. There were times when I was a kid that we didn’t have money for the grocery store so my Mom and Dad rummaged the cupboards and we had whatever was in the pantry.

A lot of families are really hurting in these tough financial times, I decided to share our PoorMan Pantry recipes from my childhood. I hope it helps those who need it most.

This weekend the man-child asked if we could have chili for dinner. We picked up a can of Hormel Chili and a bag of Tostito’s Scoops Tortilla Chips and waited for the weekend. A Saturday dinner would be perfect for this and we waited for the weekend to arrive.

Yeah, if anyone finds a stray can of Chili, let me know where it is. How we lost an entire can of chili I have no idea. But when $1.98 is a lot of money to your family, it’s worrisome and upsetting at the same time. And then there’s the desire to give the child what he asked for so he doesn’t feel neglected or deprived. Which means using supplies in the kitchen that could be used for something else that gets you through the week. It was frustrating!

But this event helped create a new Poor Man Recipe. Homemade Chili. Continue reading